Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Letters From Admiral Blackler H.M.S.King Edward VII to his Wife

Letters From Admiral Blackler H.M.S.King Edward VII to his Wife


David and the theatre said...

This is fascinating.

elaine said...

Interesting and historically valubale douments which have been beautifully interpreted. What a national treasure. I really look forward to you disclosing more.

zarandi said...

This letter is so kindly written,so human,even given the fact that people had different culture and moral aspirations in those days.I really hope you will post more letters and try and get them to a widder audience.It is a glimpse into public duty and domestic minusure and a compeeling read.

zarandi said...

I like the way he tells his wife not to expect grat things "to be a lady" but we now know indeed that he became an Admiral and did bring family pride to his wife and children.

zarandi said...

Good , good letter.

Alex said...

A beautiful insight to marreid life at its best

Ceasor said...

How tender yet prolific,tenderly addressing his wife and rejoycing in her health and welfare,yet giving glimpses in to Naval social life and even the etequette of the French Aristocray and how they extend their invatations.I would love it if you would publish the early letters,the begining of their love,if they are this tender now how the romance must have sparkled,I agree with Alex above in her comment,"a beautiful insight to married life at its best"

bendaw said...

These really are very interesting and aazing.I look forward to you putting more information about this amazing guy.wish he was my grandad,modern paternals often dont care so much and are wrapped in their own indulgences.

Me said...

such a beautifully written letter, what a wonderful thing to have in such amazing condition..publish them!

melissa said...

A wonderful historic document that gives us a peek at interpersonal familial communication of the period.

thomas steven said...

His problem of having to form an opinion on someone that he knows nothing about is familar. This reminds us that people remain the same now matter how much technology changes.

thomas steven said...

and by the way these are wonderful and inspiring letter and please publish some more

jaliloJimkana said...

These are excelent. Please publish more of them?

Jonas said...

Today almost no correspondence like this is left for the future generation to read. It's a shame.

Wonderful letters.

sugarplumbabes said...

Another stunning letter,wow I repeat lucky you to have these letters to expand your family history.What a heritage you posses.

sugarplumbabes said...

I would like to add he is an amazing and insightful man,and kindand with good moral and family instinct.Too many people today think only of their own illustious selves and comforts.

William said...

This is superbly written. I am looking forward to seeing more put up soon.

Muthulingam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Edwina said...

I have to say these letter surprised me.I watched a programme about Harry Patch and was anxious to know about the hearts and minds of the compatants,some one told me of these letters and hence I looked at them no expecting more than routine,but they are amazing but there are not nearly enough,they are enticing giving a real view a real throw back.I try to imagine how it was and when I saw the amazing picture of the ship it was a significant enabler.I would like to see all 1400 and the relies prefereably in published form.

These letters as Maura says have great significance.

Warren said...

Such matter-of-fact reporting regarding acquaintance with the French aristocracy, polite but warm joking about the tribulations of a successful life.. Reminds me of certain Tolstoy novels..But of course, this is all real, first-hand experience; which makes it an historical treasure :)

Danny said...

What a poignant insight into the mind and family of a true gentleman. This, coupled with the historical insight it gives, even a glimpse at the French aristocracy is terrific. Wonderful document of history.

David and the theatre said...

These letters provide an important contemporary account.

BalabadraOnatee said...


David and the theatre said...


Anonymous said...

wonderful letter

leo said...

wow old letter !